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  • Writer's pictureKazuto Kamuro

AERI's Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC②

What is AERI's Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC, Pioneering Green Transformation (GX)?

Part 2

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Xyronix Corporation

Pasadena, California


A. Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions, provided by CALTECH professor Kazuto Kamuro(Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) and Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, Semiconductor Physics, and Quantum Optics), Chief Researcher at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI, and Xyronix Corporation(, are based on research and development achievements in cutting-edge fields such as quantum physics, biophysics, neuroscience, artificial brain studies, intelligent biocomputing, next-generation technologies, quantum semiconductors, satellite optoelectronics, quantum optics, quantum computing science, brain computing science, nano-sized semiconductors, ultra-large-scale integration engineering, non-destructive testing, lifespan prediction engineering, ultra-short pulses, and high-power laser science.


Building on the outcomes in unexplored and extreme territories within these advanced research domains, AERI and Xyronix Corporation aim to provide opportunities for postgraduate researchers in engineering disciplines. Through achievements in areas such as the 6th generation computer, nuclear deterrence, military unmanned systems, missile defense, renewable and clean energy, climate change mitigation, environmental conservation, Green Transformation (GX), and national resilience, the primary objective is to furnish scholars with genuine opportunities for learning and discovery. The overarching goal is to transform them from 'reeds that have just begun to take a step as reeds capable of thinking' into 'reeds that think, act, and relentlessly pursue growth.' This initiative aims to impart a guiding philosophy for complete metamorphosis and to provide guidance for venturing into unexplored and extreme territories, aspiring to fulfill the role of pioneers in this new era.

B. In the cutting-edge research domain, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) and Xyronix Corporation have made notable advancements in various fields. Some examples include:

     1. AERI・HEL (Petawatt-class Ultra-High Power Terawatt-class Ultra-High Power

          Femtosecond Laser)

        ◦ Petawatt-class ultra-high power terawatt-class ultra-short pulse laser (AERI・HEL)

    2. 6th Generation Computer&Computing

        ◦ Consciousness-driven Bio-Computer

        ◦ Brain Implant Bio-Computer

    3. Carbon-neutral AERI synthetic fuel chemical process

            (Green Transformation (GX) technology)

        ◦ Production of synthetic fuel (LNG methanol) through CO₂ recovery system (DAC)

    4. Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology(Green Transformation (GX) technology)

        ◦ Carbon-neutral, carbon-recycling system-type AERI synthetic fuel chemical process

    5. Direct Air Capture Technology (DAC)

        ◦ Carbon-neutral, carbon-recycling carbon dioxide circulation recovery system

    6. Bio-LSI・Semiconductors

        ◦ Neural connection element directly connecting bio-semiconductors and brain nerves

             on a nanoscale

        ◦ Brain LSI Chip Set, Bio-Computer LSI, BMI LSI, BCI LSI, Brain Computing LSI,

             Brain Implant LSI

   7. CHEGPG System (Closed Cycle Heat Exchange Power Generation System with

        Thermal Regenerative Binary Engine)

        ◦ Power generation capability of Terawatt (TW), annual power generation of

    10,000 TWh (terawatt-hour) class

        ◦ 1 to 0.01 yen/kWh, infinitely clean energy source, renewable energy source

    8. Consciousness-Driven Generative Autonomous Robot

    9. Brain Implemented Robot・Cybernetic Soldier

    10. Generative Robot, Generative Android Army, Generative Android

    11. High-Altitude Missile Initial Intercept System, Enemy Base Neutralization System,

       Nuclear and Conventional Weapon Neutralization System, Next-Generation

      Interception Laser System for ICBMs, Next-Generation Interception Laser System

    for Combat Aircraft

    12. Boost Phase, Mid-Course Phase, Terminal Phase Ballistic Missile Interception System

    13. Volcanic Microseismic Laser Remote Sensing

    14. Volcanic Eruption Prediction Technology, Eruption Precursor Detection System

    15. Mega Earthquake Precursor and Prediction System

    16. Laser Degradation Diagnosis, Non-Destructive Inspection System

  17. Ultra-Low-Altitude Satellite, Ultra-High-Speed Moving Object

    Non-Destructive Inspection System


What is AERI's Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC, Pioneering Green Transformation (GX)? - Part 2

- Understanding AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC, Paving the Way for Green Transformation (GX) -

1. AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC (AERI Direct Air Capture)

・The AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC, also known as AERI Direct Air Capture (DAC-type carbon dioxide recovery system), utilizes green electricity generated by CHEGPG (geothermal power generation) as a power source. This green electricity is available at a cost ranging from 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh. The AERI synthetic fuel chemical process, powered by this green electricity, is responsible for producing green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (alcohol synthetic paraffin ATJ-SPK, etc.). The raw material for these green synthetic fuels is carbon dioxide (CO2), and the ADAC system directly captures CO2 from the atmosphere at an annual rate ranging from 100 gigatons (1 gigaton = 10 billion) to several teratons (1 teraton = 1 trillion). This makes it a substantial source of CO2 for the production of green synthetic fuels.

・AERI's proprietary technology, CHEGPG, is a carbon-neutral and limitless energy source capable of generating power in the Terawatt (TW) range with an annual output of 10,000 terawatt-hours (TWh). This geothermal power generation system produces ultra-low-cost green electricity, priced at approximately 1 yen to 0.01 yen per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, CHEGPG provides a perpetual and sustainable source of energy.


2. Research Achievements and Prospects:

・The nonprofit organization Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) based in Pasadena, California (Website:, and the semiconductor design company Xyronix Corporation specializing in biocomputer semiconductor design, also located in Pasadena, California (Website:, proudly possess the pioneering Direct Air Capture (ADAC) technology. These entities are at the forefront, ahead of other companies, with the capability to directly capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere at an annual rate ranging from 100 gigatons (1 gigaton = 10 billion) to several teratons (1 teraton = 1 trillion).

・According to climate models, in order to limit global warming to below +2°C from pre-industrial levels, it is necessary to remove several gigatons (giga tons), specifically tens of billions of tons, of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon removal systems, such as AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC), present an attractive option for carbon removal compared to natural solutions like afforestation. This is because they require significantly less land and offer more reliable measurements of how effectively greenhouse gases are isolated. However, the AERI ADAC technology, capable of annually removing several billion tons of carbon dioxide, has faced numerous formidable technical challenges, hindering its progress until now.

・The Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) has successfully developed and commercialized the AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC), capable of annually recovering several billion tons of CO2—a significant contributor to global warming. AERI aims to supply client companies with green synthetic fuels, including green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (alcohol synthetic paraffin ATJ-SPK, etc.), produced through the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process, utilizing CO2 manufactured with the ADAC technology. As one of the pioneering and cutting-edge research institutes, AERI stands at the forefront, addressing one of the primary causes of climate change and offering innovative solutions for sustainable and carbon-neutral energy production.

・The plan involves the construction of an expandable modular ADAC (Direct Air Capture) plant, linked with the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process, which utilizes CHEGPG (geothermal power generation) to generate ultra-low-cost green electricity (renewable energy priced at 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh). This process employs an air collector equipped with specialized filters to capture and trap carbon. The collected carbon serves as the raw material for the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process, creating a sustainable and cost-effective cycle. The modular design allows for scalability, enabling the construction of an ADAC plant tailored to specific needs and requirements.

・In 2017, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) and Xyronix Corporation jointly inaugurated the world's first commercial ADAC (Direct Air Capture) plant in the United States. This plant was integrated with the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process, marking a significant milestone. The plant commenced trial supplies to contracted clients, including aviation, shipping, and transportation companies, of green synthetic fuels produced through the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process utilizing CO2 captured during the ADAC process. The range of green synthetic fuels provided includes green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (alcohol synthetic paraffin ATJ-SPK, etc.). This initiative represents a pioneering step towards utilizing ADAC technology in the production of sustainable and environmentally friendly fuels for various industries.

・In 2021, a capital partnership with Intellectual Property Strategy Research Institute was established, leading to the initiation of a development project for the world's first commercial ADAC (Direct Air Capture) plant aimed at capturing CO2 and permanently storing it underground.


By 2023, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) has not only offered the world's first carbon dioxide capture service to contracted clients, including airlines, but also commenced full-scale supply services of green synthetic fuels produced through the AERI synthetic fuel chemical process. These green synthetic fuels, including green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, SAF (alcohol synthetic paraffin ATJ-SPK, etc.), are manufactured using CO2 captured through ADAC technology. This represents a significant step forward in providing contracted client companies with a comprehensive service encompassing both carbon capture and the supply of environmentally friendly synthetic fuels.


3. Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process in ADAC:

The AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC) contributes to the removal and reduction of carbon dioxide as part of climate change mitigation. It comprises the following four processes:

a. Adsorption Process:

In the adsorption stage of the AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC), a process is employed to capture CO2 gas from the atmosphere. Adsorbents, typically porous materials or chemically modified solid surfaces, are used to capture CO2. The properties of the adsorbent, including physical characteristics, surface area, and absorption rate, are crucial during this stage. Additionally, parameters such as absorption temperature, pressure, and CO2 concentration are carefully controlled.

b. Separation Process:

The stage of separating absorbed CO2 from the absorbent is crucial for enabling the regeneration of the absorbent. Typically, separation methods such as Temperature Swing Adsorption (TSA), Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), or Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) are employed. These processes aim to remove CO2 from the absorbent, allowing the regenerated absorbent to return to the adsorption stage.

c. Compression Process:

When capturing CO2, the resulting gas is usually at low pressure, necessitating compression. By compressing CO2 to high pressure, the gas can be transformed into a liquid or supercritical state, facilitating transportation and storage. The compression stage is an energy-intensive process, requiring efficiency improvements.

d. Utilization or Storage Process:

Collected CO2 can be utilized or stored through various methods. Common storage options include underground burial (subsurface storage) and underground injection of CO2. On the other hand, CO2 utilization possibilities include synthetic fuel production, carbonated beverage manufacturing, greenhouse gas reduction, and improvement of agricultural processes.


The AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC) possesses superior technology compared to other recovery systems in terms of factors such as absorbent selection, enhanced regeneration efficiency, reduction in energy costs, ensuring scalability, and ensuring the long-term safety of underground storage.


4. Differences Between Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology and AERI Direct Air Capture Technology (ADAC)

There is a similar technology in the aspect of CO2 capture known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS technology involves collecting CO2 from emission sources such as power plants or chemical factories and safely storing it in locations like underground reservoirs, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as part of climate change mitigation efforts. On the other hand, AERI Direct Air Capture Technology (ADAC) captures CO2 directly from the atmosphere, as mentioned earlier. In other words, the primary difference lies in the source of capture. However, it is worth noting that ADAC can also contribute to the capture operations in CCS by storing the CO2 it captures directly from the air deep underground.


5. Differences Between AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology and AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology (ADAC) — also known as AERI Direct Air Capture (ADAC) — are both technologies associated with the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and climate change mitigation. However, they take different approaches.

a. Primitive Approach:

・CCS: CCS is a technology that primarily captures CO2 from industrial processes and energy production facilities, subsequently storing it underground. This approach targets the capture of CO2 from existing emission sources, assuming that the emission sources are clearly located.

・ADAC: ADAC is a technology that directly removes CO2 from the atmosphere, independent of the location of emission sources, making it practically deployable almost anywhere. ADAC targets the entire atmosphere for capture, exhibiting a characteristic with fewer geographical constraints.

b. Scope of Emission Sources:

・CCS: CCS targets specific sources of CO2 emissions, such as certain factories, power plants, and industrial processes. Therefore, it is primarily suitable for large-scale industrial facilities.

・ADAC: ADAC, not dependent on specific CO2 emission sources, is not constrained to individual factories or facilities and can be applied without being influenced by meteorological conditions.

c. Storage Methods:

・CCS: In CCS, after capturing CO2, it is stored in underground storage facilities, which may include underground burial or secondary recovery in oil fields.

・ADAC: CO2 collected through ADAC is typically reused for various applications instead of being stored underground. As a result, it contributes not only to CO2 storage but also to the production of valuable products.

d. Differences in Approach and Applicability:

・CCS: CCS is primarily applied to large-scale industrial processes and energy production facilities, capturing CO2 emitted from these facilities. Specific examples include coal-fired power plants. Captured CO2 is stored in underground storage facilities (e.g., underground burial or oil fields for secondary recovery), enabling the reduction of CO2 emissions from emission sources.

・ADAC targets the entire atmosphere, directly removing CO2 from the air. In ADAC facilities, atmospheric CO2 is captured by absorbents, followed by separation and storage or reuse. ADAC is not dependent on specific emission sources and can be implemented without geographical constraints. For instance, ADAC facilities located in urban areas can capture atmospheric CO2 independently of nearby emission sources.

e. Maturity of Technology and Cost:

・CCS: CCS technology is relatively mature and operational in some countries and regions. For example, the Sleipner project in Norway captures CO2 produced during natural gas production and injects it into underground storage facilities. However, CCS faces challenges such as high energy costs and the complexity of facility construction, which can limit its implementation. Although CCS is a relatively mature technology and implemented in some facilities, the high energy costs and implementation difficulties are significant issues.

・ADAC: AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC is relatively new and still in a growing stage. Specific ADAC projects, such as Climeworks in Switzerland and Carbon Engineering in Canada, are attempting to capture CO2 directly from the atmosphere. ADAC incurs higher energy costs than CCS, but it addresses both the technological challenge of energy cost improvement and cost reduction by adopting Green Electricity generated by CHEGPG (Geothermal Power Generation Method) as a power source, ranging from 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh.

・In other words, the AERI Carbon Neutral Carbon Recycling Carbon Dioxide Circulation Recovery Technology ADAC has enabled the direct production of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a raw material for AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) from the atmosphere in the range of 100 gigatons (1 giga = 10 billion) to several teratons (1 tera = 1 trillion) annually, using the Green Electricity (1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh) generated by CHEGPG (Geothermal Power Generation Method) developed by the Artificial Evolution Research Institute as a power source.

CHEGPG, an AERI-owned technology, is a geothermal power generation technology capable of producing a carbon-neutral, infinite energy source in the Terawatt (TW) power generation capacity and an annual power generation of 10,000 TWh (terawatt-hour). This technology generates ultra-low-cost green electricity, approximately 1 yen to 0.01 yen per kWh, continuously and perpetually, 24/7 throughout the year.




Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

♠♠♠ Kazuto Kamuro: Professor, PhD, and Doctor of Engineering ♠♠♠

・Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) and Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, Semiconductor Physics, and Quantum Optics

・Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in CALTECH & AERI

・Associate Professor of Quantum Physics, California Institute of Technology(CALTECH)

・Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI: )

・Chief Researcher at Xyronix Corporation(

・IEEE-USA Fellow

・American Physical Society Fellow



・Artificial Evolution Research Institute: AERI, Pasadena, California

・Xyronix Corporation, Pasadena, California 


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#brain #implant-type #biocomputer #BrainInplant #Reprogrammable #selfassembly #MolecularComputer #MolecularBrain #implant-type #biocomputer # #military #BrainImplant #militaryhardware #militaryweapon #unmannedweapon #combataircraft #robotarmor #militaryweapon #cyborg #soldier #armor #strategicweapon #combatKilling #AntiNuclearwarfare #roboticweapons #weaponsindustry #weaponofmassdestruction #MilitarySoldier #RobotSOLDIER # #BrainImplant #chemicalWarefare #chemicalBattlefield #WarEconomic #HumanitarianStrategy #NextGenerationWarfare #BiologicalWarefare #BiologicalBattlefield #EnemyBaseAttackAbility #LaserDefenseSystem #HAMIIS #PetawattLaser #HexaWattLaser #UltraHighPowerLaser #ChirpedPulseAmplification #CPA #OpticalParametricAmplification #OPA #HighEnergyPhysics #Defense #Security #MissileDefenseSystem #LaserInducedPlasma #Supernovae #Pulsar #Blackhole #FemtosecondLaser #CavityDumping #ModeLocking #FemtosecondPulse #LaserSpectroscopy #UltrafastSpectroscopy #MultiphotonMicroscopy #NonlinearOptics #FrequencyConversion #HarmonicHGeneration #ParametricAmplification #MaterialProcessing #Micromachining #SurfaceStructuring #LaserAblation #MultiphotoMicroscopy #Ophthalmology #LAM #LandAttackMissiles #ASWM #AntiSubmarineWarfareMissiles

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