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  • Writer's pictureKazuto Kamuro

Consolidate F-Ranked Universities

Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:

Consolidate F-Ranked Universities

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro


There is no purpose in maintaining F-ranked universities (private universities with entrance exam scores ranging from 35 to 40; see Subsidies funded by taxpayers should be immediately discontinued. Investing in the upkeep of these universities is a waste of resources.

In Japan, over 60% of the 600-plus private universities are experiencing under-enrollment. It would be advisable to terminate all unnecessary universities, along with their staff, including professors.

To provide some context, Sweden has 30 public universities and 7 private universities for a population of 10.45 million. This translates to 0.035 universities per 10,000 people. In Japan, there are 176 national and public universities, totaling 790 universities when private ones are included. This results in 0.063 universities per 10,000 people. Even if we were to halve the number of private universities, it would still be 0.038.

Additionally, the European university system determines at the junior high school level whether one can attend university or enter the workforce after high school. Tax money is used to nurture citizens with the desire, talent, and curiosity to attend university, which is a commendable approach.

In the EU, regardless of whether one graduated from a vocational school like a polytechnic or a university, if their skills are equal, their salaries are the same. This is an excellent societal system.

In Japanese society, salaries differ based on one's degree, even if they are doing the same job. Without a college degree, some individuals can't even get started.

Japan has an excess of universities. By halving the number of private universities and reallocating the 300 billion yen in private university subsidies and the 252.5 billion yen in scholarship budgets to national and public universities, it would be possible to provide 720,000 yen per student for 76,000 national and public university students. Tuition could be made free, and a scholarship of 100,000 yen per month could be granted to one out of every ten people.

For students who have no other option but to attend these so-called F-ranked universities in Japan (private universities with entrance exam scores ranging from 35 to 40; see, a Japanese version of polytechnic schools could be established to accommodate them.

Selective concentration of Japan's national tax funds should be directed towards ambitious students with the motivation, talent, and curiosity to pursue a college degree. It should be ceased to use Japan's national tax funds to allow moratorium extensions for purposeless students who are simply prolonging their stay for four years.



Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & XYRONIX Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in XYRONIX CPRPORATION


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro




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