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  • Writer's pictureKazuto Kamuro

Development Terawatt-Level Power Generation System Comparative Analysis of Power Generation Methods

Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:

Development of a Terawatt-Level Power Generation System and Comparative Analysis of Power Generation Methods


Development of a Terawatt-Level Power Generation System and Comparative Analysis of Power Generation Methods

1. What is the single power generation method with a capacity exceeding one terawatt?

The Artificial Energy Evolution Research Institute (AERI HP:, based in Pasadena, California, has been dedicated to the research and development of a single power generation method capable of producing power exceeding the petawatt (1,000 terawatts) range. Today, we officially announce 'the CHEGPG system,' a closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with petawatt-class power generation capacity exceeding one terawatt, making it the world's first of its kind.

Traditional power generation methods such as thermal, wind, nuclear, and renewable energy sources are limited in their ability to supply electrical power, typically capped at several tens of megawatts, even when multiple facilities or various generation methods are combined. To date, no single power generation method has achieved terawatt-level power supply capabilities. the CHEGPG system, a closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with binary engines, is the only means to establish a large-scale energy system capable of providing stable and sustained terawatt to petawatt-level electrical power supply 24 hours a day.

2. Power Generation Method with Terawatt-Level Capacity: the CHEGPG system

2.1 Megawatt-Level Power Generation Methods:

a. Nuclear Power: Nuclear power is a high-output generation method, with a single nuclear reactor capable of producing approximately 1 gigawatt of power. However, achieving power generation exceeding 1,000 terawatts solely through nuclear power is technically challenging. It typically remains in the 1 to 10 gigawatt range. Moreover, the issues of decommissioning, disposal of spent nuclear fuel, nuclear contamination, and radioactive waste disposal are significant challenges, making it unlikely that the number of nuclear power plants will significantly increase in the future, even if certified as a renewable energy source by the EU.

b. Solar Power: Solar power has the potential to generate large-scale power, on the order of 10 megawatts, by installing solar panels over a wide area. However, achieving terawatt-class power generation using solar power requires the construction of large-scale energy systems combining multiple power plants, necessitating vast areas of land, often resulting in environmental destruction, and requiring significant investments in energy storage facilities to ensure stability. Realistically, achieving terawatt-class energy systems through solar power is challenging.

c. Wind Power: The cumulative installed capacity of wind power in Japan was 4,581 megawatts (approximately 4.6 gigawatts) as of the end of 2021. While combining multiple wind turbines in offshore wind farms can achieve significant power capacity, it is practically impossible to reach 1,000 terawatts or more, even with such methods. Wind power also requires extensive land or suitable offshore locations, which are limited in availability.

d. Hydropower: The only power generation method with the potential to provide over 1,000 terawatts per unit is hydropower, achieved by combining large-scale hydropower plants. However, this method has geographical limitations, and it is practically impossible to combine a sufficient number of large hydropower plants.

e. Geothermal Power: Geothermal power harnesses the heat generated by Earth's core and is considered a renewable energy source. It offers stable power generation regardless of weather conditions or time of day. While it has the potential to provide significant power capacity, it also faces challenges such as exploration costs, reduced geothermal resource availability, opposition from local communities and the tourism industry, high initial costs, and susceptibility to natural disasters.

2.2 Advancements in Power Generation and the Quest for Energy Security

Power Reception at the Terawatt Scale:

While wet-type geothermal power generation using hot water and steam offers the potential for large-scale power supply in specific regions, the limited availability of geothermal resources in thermal spring areas, as well as concerns about underground water depletion, land subsidence, earthquakes, and strong opposition from local stakeholders, make it practically impossible to achieve over 1,000 terawatts of power capacity with a single geothermal power generation method.

a. In conventional power generation methods, it has been practically challenging to achieve stable and sustained power supply exceeding 1,000 terawatts (1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts) by combining multiple power generation methods per unit (single generation method). Achieving stable and sustained power supply exceeding 1,000 terawatts requires the integration of different energy sources (such as nuclear, wind, solar, etc.) and the establishment of an international energy network, which is virtually impossible. Furthermore, achieving stable and sustained power supply at this scale necessitates energy decentralization and efficient power transmission. However, significant transmission losses and environmental impacts make achieving stable and sustained power supply exceeding 1,000 terawatts difficult, even when combining different energy sources.

b. Realistic power generation methods such as thermal, renewable energy (solar, wind), nuclear, and hydropower methods face significant challenges in providing terawatt-level power capacity, often requiring the combination of multiple facilities.

c. Bioreactor having the potential to generate several gigawatts of power. However, constructing and operating nuclear reactors with power capacity exceeding 1 terawatt is not a common practice. To achieve terawatt-level power generation through nuclear power, numerous nuclear reactors would need to be constructed and integrated, which is practically impossible.

d. Other power generation methods based on renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.) or fossil fuels (coal, heavy oil, LNG, etc.) can provide gigawatt-class power capacity but typically require the combination of multiple facilities to achieve gigawatt-scale energy supply.

2.3 Energy Security:

a. Power generation methods relying on fossil fuels (coal, heavy oil, LNG, etc.), which inevitably depend on near 100% foreign imports, are distinct from AERI's closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system, the CHEGPG system, which utilizes domestically produced energy sources. Unlike the CHEGPG system, which is capable of achieving near-complete energy self-sufficiency within Japan, power generation methods relying on fossil fuels require energy sourcing from overseas. Ensuring a permanent, sustainable, and internationally accessible energy infrastructure becomes imperative. This poses a significant threat to Japan's energy security, especially when considering the imminent challenges related to energy depletion and competition in an environmentally conscious world.

b. Renewable energy-based power generation methods (such as solar and wind) face challenges not only due to their unstable output (Issue 1) but also in addressing instantaneous peak power demand (Issue 2). Integrating diverse energy sources may be a potential solution to Issues 1 and 2, but even with integration, it remains uncertain whether their unstable output can be effectively resolved.

c. Furthermore, the closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system, the CHEGPG system, stands apart as it can be established almost anywhere within Japan's territory, unrestricted by thermal spring areas or hot water sources. It can independently provide 1,000-terawatt-class enormous electrical power continuously and stably for 24 hours to the region, using self-sustaining geothermal energy. This remarkable capability distinguishes it as the only technically feasible solution to meet the terawatt-level power demands and addresses energy security concerns.

3. Estimating Power Shortages Resulting from the Proliferation of Electric Vehicles

3.1 Statement by Toyoda:

Akio Toyoda, President of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, stated in a December 2020 press conference that he had conducted calculations regarding the implications of a complete transition to electric vehicles (EVs). He mentioned that if all annual passenger vehicle sales in Japan (approximately 4 million units) were to become EVs, and the entire vehicle fleet (currently at around 62 million units) transitioned to EVs, it would require a 10-15% increase in power generation capacity during peak demand compared to the current levels. Toyoda further noted that this capacity increase would be equivalent to approximately 10 nuclear power plants or around 20 thermal power plants.

Additionally, Toyoda's calculations revealed the need for significant infrastructure investments, ranging from 14 to 37 trillion yen, to support the charging facilities required for widespread EV adoption. Furthermore, the supply capacity of batteries for EVs would need to increase approximately 30-fold compared to current levels, with an estimated investment of around 2 trillion yen. The power required to charge EVs upon completion would be equivalent to one week's worth of household consumption.

3.2 Verification:

a. The output of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Kashiwazaki Nuclear Power Plant ranges from 1.1 to 1.356 million kilowatts (kW) per unit (boiling water-type light-water reactor at 1.1 million kW, improved boiling water-type light-water reactor at 1.356 million kW). The output per unit of Kansai Electric Power Company's Oi Nuclear Power Plant is 1.18 million kW. While these are representative examples within Japan, the output of existing nuclear power plants can generally be estimated at around 1.1 million kW per unit. With ten such plants, the total power generation capacity would reach 11 million kW.

b. Daily electricity consumption in Japan reached its peak in 2001 and has since shown a slight decrease trend. In January 2022, it stood at 151 million kW, with 10% of this amount being 15 million kW over a 24-hour period, closely aligning with Toyoda's statement regarding "10-15% of existing nuclear power."

c. Assuming a standard EV battery capacity of 40 kWh (as exemplified by the Nissan Leaf), calculations based on the increase in power generation capacity (equivalent to 11 million kW) indicate that it would be possible to charge 275,000 EVs to full capacity. This represents only 0.4% of the current domestic EV fleet of 62 million units.

d. If 10% of the 6,200 units (620,000 units) charge daily, it would require 248 million kW (2,480,000 kW). Given that 1 gigawatt equals 1 billion watts, this amounts to 0.248 GW. To enable 10% of all EVs to charge simultaneously, 23 nuclear power plants (0.248 GW) would be needed. For 50% of all EVs to charge, 113 nuclear power plants (1.24 GW) would be required. To accommodate 80% of all EVs charging, 180 nuclear power plants (1.984 GW) would be necessary. Finally, to support the charging of all 100% of EVs, 230 nuclear power plants (2.48 GW) would be needed.

e. As previously discussed, fulfilling the potential for gigawatt-class power generation while ensuring safety, stability, and sustainability remains a challenge for various power generation methods. This includes nuclear power, which faces unresolved issues related to decommissioning, disposal of spent nuclear fuel, radioactive contamination, and ocean disposal. Additionally, renewable energy sources like solar power require vast land areas, and wind power depends on specific geographical conditions, making large-scale implementation difficult.

Considering the factors mentioned above, it becomes evident that the only solution capable of addressing the critical issues of (1) energy security, (2) climate change mitigation, (3) achieving carbon neutrality, and (4) zero CO2 emissions, all at once, is the Closed Heat Exchange Generator with Pyroelectric Generator (CHEGPG) system, which possesses a power generation capacity of 1,000 terawatts (1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts = 1,000 MW) per unit, providing a comprehensive and unparalleled solution.



Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & XYRONIX Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in XYRONIX CPRPORATION


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro




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