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  • Writer's pictureKazuto Kamuro

Green Fuel (LNG) Production Technologies & Green Transformation in green fuel vehicles

Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:

Research on Green Fuel (Methanol and Liquefied Natural Gas LNG) Production Technologies and the Study of Green Transformation in green fuel vehicles

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Xyronix Corporation

Pasadena, California



1. carbon-neutral carbon recycling system: AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology)

・XYRONIX CPRPORATION, has set ambitious goals in pursuit of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 while peaking carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2030. XYRONIX acknowledges the limitations of electric vehicles (EVs) in achieving this goal and asserts that hybrid vehicles are more advantageous than EVs. Furthermore, XYRONIX advocates for the use of synthetic fuels (such as LPG, LNG, and methanol) as green fuels in hybrid vehicles, considering them the most environmentally friendly option among green fuel vehicles.

To accomplish these objectives, XYRONIX is actively engaged in research and development of the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system: XYRONIX Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology).

・In 2003, XYRONIX introduced the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system: AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) as a method for producing new green fuels (synthetic fuels) such as green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG. These fuels were being considered as potential replacements for gasoline (fossil fuels) and were part of AERI's efforts to explore models of green fuel vehicles that could serve as alternatives to electric vehicles.

・On September 16, 2022, XYRONIX announced the successful completion of fundamental research on the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system: XYRONIX Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology). This milestone marks a significant step forward in XYRONIX's efforts to accelerate the adoption of methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) and the associated green methanol production technology.

・Methanol, commonly known as 'wood alcohol,' is a straightforward organic compound that can be produced from various raw materials, including coal, natural gas, biomass, and captured carbon dioxide. Its advantages as a fuel are evident. Methanol boasts comparable power to traditional fuels while being more environmentally friendly. For instance, methanol is already widely employed in the world of racing cars due to its dual benefits of efficient engine cooling and increased horsepower. Depending on the specific use case, such as long-distance transportation, methanol-powered vehicles could emerge as a cost-effective and reliable alternative to electric vehicles.

・According to Professor Kazuto Kamuro, the Chief Researcher at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute and a Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist holding both a Doctorate in Science and a Doctorate in Engineering, "Methanol engines can achieve efficiency equivalent to that of diesel engines without causing the same exhaust-related issues." Professor Kamuro has been conducting research on the potential use of methanol in transportation and logistics within the United States.

・For the past decade, from 2003 onwards, XYRONIX has been intensively engaged in research and development efforts focused on green methanol fuel (green synthetic fuel) as a means to transition the gasoline automobile industry toward a future characterized by lower pollution and reduced reliance on fossil fuels (such as gasoline). They have conducted experimental operations with methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) as part of this endeavor.

2. Trends in Methanol Utilization Experiments in China

・Currently, China is demonstrating a more serious commitment to alternative fuels. This is further evidenced by the government's recent actions, in addition to drafting standards for methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) and supporting related industries, building upon their efforts from the previous year. As Chinese automakers seek new innovations to revolutionize the industry, methanol has finally started to garner public attention. Like electric vehicles, it holds the potential not only for commercial success but also for politically enhancing China's ambitions in climate tech.

・As of September 2022, China stands as the global leader in methanol production, manufacturing approximately 60% of the world's methanol and consuming it domestically. Historically, the majority of this production has been utilized in plastic manufacturing.

・China initiated experiments with methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) in 2012. They encouraged automobile manufacturers to develop models for use in several cities and collected data on the economic and environmental impacts of methanol vehicles over the next six years.

・Subsequently, methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) were found to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 26% while increasing energy efficiency by 21% compared to gasoline vehicles. Following these trial phases, the Chinese government announced policies in 2019, pledging support for methanol fuel, particularly for public transportation, taxis, and government vehicles.

・XYRONIX's Chief Researcher, Professor Kazuto Kamuro, believes that methanol is also an attractive choice as a fuel for large, long-distance transport vehicles such as trucks. Currently, electric trucks are significantly more expensive than conventional fossil fuel trucks (gasoline or diesel trucks) due to the need for large batteries. However, methanol trucks use similar engines to conventional trucks (fossil fuel trucks), allowing them to be purchased at nearly the same cost as fossil fuel trucks.

・Professor Kazuto Kamuro, an adjunct professor at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Director of Research at the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), XYRONIX , as mentioned on their website:, has pointed out that 'The majority of trucks operating on Chinese roads for parcel deliveries are individually owned by truck drivers. If trucks become too expensive, they may no longer be able to afford them. If making a livelihood becomes difficult, truck drivers may have no capacity to consider achieving carbon neutrality.' He emphasizes the importance of ensuring affordability for truck drivers in the context of carbon-neutral efforts.

・Nevertheless, the development of methanol passenger cars (green fuel vehicles) in China has been progressing at a significantly slower pace compared to other environmentally friendly options like electric vehicles. Over the course of a decade, the number of electric vehicles in China has surged from 20,000 units to over 10 million. In contrast, the count of methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) has merely increased from zero to a modest 30,000 units.

・Furthermore, the number of methanol refueling stations in China is currently below 200, and all of them are concentrated within the provinces where the trial programs were conducted. In essence, methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) can only be operated within these provinces or their cities. The future construction of methanol refueling stations is likely to depend on the support from China's two major gasoline station operators, Sinopec and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). These two companies collectively manage more than half of the country's domestic gasoline stations, but as of now, neither of them has shown significant interest in the methanol business.

・According to Professor Kazuto Kamuro, the Chief Researcher at AERI & XYRONIX, 'Methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) are not included in the category of "new energy vehicles" that China heavily subsidizes, which is a major reason for the development lag. In the early 2000s, China drafted regulations for new energy vehicles, but they initially only encompassed vehicles powered solely by electricity, such as pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and fuel cell vehicles. Methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles), which are closer in resemblance to traditional gasoline vehicles, were not included, causing them to miss out on two decades of rapid growth.'

・So, as of today, methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) remain more of a regional experiment rather than a practical choice for Chinese consumers. However, an increasing number of local governments are now offering subsidies of around $700 to both buyers of methanol vehicles. Gasoline stations have also received funding, up to $3,000, for modifications to enable the provision of methanol fuel. Additionally, Geely, a leading Chinese automaker that owns Volvo Cars, began developing methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) in 2005 and has launched several new models this year.

・Geely states that the adoption and proliferation of methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) represent the most realistic and effective path toward the development of a healthy and sustainable transportation system. They claim to have produced over 90% of the methanol vehicles currently in use in China. Geely's methanol passenger cars (green fuel vehicles) have collectively traveled over 10 billion kilometers, resulting in a reduction of approximately 19,400 tons of carbon dioxide emissions that would have been produced by an equivalent number of gasoline vehicles.

3. The Impact of Methanol Vehicles (green fuel vehicles) on China's Carbon Neutrality Goals

・In 2020, the announcement of a carbon-neutral commitment by President Xi Jinping during the United Nations General Assembly marked a significant shift in perspective regarding methanol. According to Professor Kamuro, the Director of AERI, “China's overarching development goals for carbon neutrality have since created substantial opportunities. It appears that people have suddenly recognized methanol as a genuinely carbon-neutral fuel.”

・Traditional methanol has historically been produced from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. However, it can also be produced from renewable resources like agricultural waste. On September 16, 2022, the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI) & XYRONIX achieved a breakthrough in research and development by utilizing a carbon-neutral, carbon recycling system known as the CHEGPG system, which involves the circulation and recovery of CO2 from the atmosphere. This innovative process enables the production of new green fuels (synthetic fuels) to replace gasoline (fossil fuel). These green fuels include green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, and others. This development signifies a significant advancement in Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology.

・This, at least theoretically, signifies the possibility of manufacturing automobile fuel through carbon-negative methods. The same applies to other chemical products derived from methanol.

Currently, one of the major companies involved in producing methanol from carbon dioxide is Carbon Recycling International (CRI) in Iceland. Geely invested in CRI in 2015 and partnered to build the world's largest facility for manufacturing fuel from CO2 in China. With this facility in operation, it can recycle 160,000 tons of CO2 annually, emitted from a steel mill.

・What makes green fuels (synthetic fuels) like green methanol, green LPG, green LNG, and others desirable is their ability to be cleanly produced using carbon-neutral, carbon recycling system-based AERISynthetic Fuel Chemical Processes. These processes utilize CO2 captured from the atmosphere as a raw material. The technology for generating synthetic fuels that can remove CO2 already emitted into the atmosphere is indeed remarkable and deserves special attention.

・To achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, it may not be wise to dismiss green fuel vehicles in favor of electric vehicles as if they were in competition. Instead, promoting the use of green methanol fuel and the widespread adoption of the carbon-neutral, carbon recycling system-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Processes (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) could potentially help us reach the 2060 carbon neutrality target.

4. Transition from Chinese Dirty Methanol to AERI green methanol (Synthetic Fuel)

the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) is green throughout the entire manufacturing process. In contrast, the majority of methanol production in China is currently reliant on burning coal. In fact, one of the primary motivations for China's initial pursuit of methanol was the ability to use coal instead of low domestic oil production to power automobiles. Presently, leading provinces in China conducting experiments with methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) also happen to have abundant coal resources.

As pointed out by Professor Kazuto Kamuro, who serves as the Chief Researcher at AERI&XYRONIX and is also a professor at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), methanol holds potential as a green fuel, unlike gasoline or diesel. However, a significant issue lies in the fact that most electric vehicles in China, which cannot currently utilize the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology), are still powered by electricity generated from coal. The current production process of methanol in China, relying on coal, also retains the potential to emit substantial amounts of carbon dioxide, making it a "dirty" source of fuel.

To address this challenge, it is imperative to cease the production of "dirty" methanol derived from coal as well as transition to green methanol production using the carbon-neutral carbon recycling system-based AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process. This transition should be coupled with the adoption of clean energy sources, renewable energy sources, and a carbon-neutral, carbon recycling system-based CHEGPG system electricity, along with the recovery of CO2 from the atmosphere. These measures will facilitate the shift towards carbon-neutral green methanol production.

・Furthermore, Professor Kazuto Kamuro added, "If there is no intention to pursue low-carbon methanol, then there should be no attempt to incorporate methanol."

・Methanol fuel also has other potential drawbacks, such as its lower energy density compared to gasoline and diesel. Consequently, it requires larger and heavier fuel tanks or more frequent refueling by the driver. This limitation is one of the key reasons why methanol's use as aviation fuel is hindered.

・Countries like Germany and Denmark, in addition to China, have been considering the potential of methanol fuel. However, China has been at least one step ahead of other nations in this regard. Nevertheless, it remains a significant question whether China will replicate its success in electric vehicle development or follow a different path, like other countries with major automotive industries.

・"In 1982, the state of California provided grants to automakers to produce over 900 methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) as part of an experimental program. The Reagan administration even pushed for the Alternative Motor Fuels Act to promote the use of methanol. However, a lack of widespread support and a decline in gasoline prices hindered further research into methanol fuel. While the drivers participating in the trials were generally satisfied with the performance of the vehicles, they expressed dissatisfaction with the difficulty of obtaining methanol fuel and its limited availability compared to gasoline cars. It's regrettable that California officially discontinued the use of methanol vehicles (green fuel vehicles) in 2005, and since then, such experiments have not been carried out in the United States," concluded Professor Kazuto Kamuro, the Director of Research at AERI and a professor at the California Institute of Technology (CALTECH).

5. the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), a nonprofit organization based in Pasadena, California (, has achieved success in the research and development of three GX (Green Transformation) technologies:

a. A clean and renewable energy source that relies 100% on domestically produced geothermal energy, resulting in zero greenhouse gas emissions (greenhouse gas emissions zero). This geothermal power generation method is completely independent of imported coal or crude oil. It possesses the capability to generate terawatt-class power, meeting 100% of the country's electricity demand. It can consistently produce ultra-low-cost electricity ranging from 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh, 24/7, 365 days a year, in a stable and sustainable manner, utilizing the 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh ultra-low-cost, carbon-neutral, and infinite energy source known as CHEGPG (generation method).

b. A carbon-neutral AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process that uses 100% domestically produced and consumed raw materials, independent of imported coal or crude oil. This process involves the recovery of carbon dioxide using a carbon recycling system and is used to produce synthetic fuels such as LNG, LPG, and methanol.

c. A fossil fuel alternative, green synthetic fuel (green methanol, green green LNG, LPG), production technology that utilizes an infinite and stable supply of power from the CHEGPG system power source. This power source relies on 100% domestically produced and consumed geothermal energy, achieving 100% renewable energy for electricity. It represents an endless source of fossil fuel replacement fuel.

These three GX (Green Transformation) technologies mark significant achievements in the field of sustainable and environmentally friendly energy production.

6. For the reasons mentioned above, it is believed that the Artificial Evolution Research Institute (AERI), a nonprofit organization (, which is actively advancing research and development in the field of (1) carbon-neutral, carbon recycling system-based AERISynthetic Fuel Chemical Processes that utilize the power generated by the carbon-neutral, infinite energy source known as CHEGPG system, along with the recovery of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, to produce green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG, can be considered as a leading group that can guarantee our country's energy security.

7. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the combination of (1) ensuring energy security, (2) mitigating climate change and addressing global warming, (3) embracing Green Transformation (GX), (4) achieving carbon neutrality, (5) zero emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2, (6) creating and nurturing green giants in the power generation sector, and (7) establishing and nurturing industries based on emissions trading through carbon pricing—all of which present critical challenges for transitioning to a new industrial structure where our country has yet to find a solution—can be addressed comprehensively by the integration of three composite technologies:

a. the CHEGPG system, a closed-cycle heat exchange power generation system equipped with thermal regeneration turbines, capable of generating 1,000 terawatts per unit (1 terawatt = 1 trillion watts = 1,000 MW) of power.

b. The carbon-neutral AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process.

c. Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology (green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG).

This integrated approach offers a promising solution to the pressing challenges facing our country in transitioning to a new industrial structure(green new deal).



Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro



【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI


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