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  • Writer's pictureKazuto Kamuro

Is the "Low-Emission" NOX-Type Ammonia Power Generation System a case of Galapagos technology?

Professor Kamuro's near-future science predictions:

Is the "Low-Emission" NOX-Type Ammonia Power Generation System, which is being developed in collaboration between the government and private sector, following in the footsteps of personal computers, mobile phones, smartphones, and electric cars, a case of Galapagos technology?

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist

Visiting Professor of Quantum Physics,

California Institute of Technology


American Physical Society-USA Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI:Artificial Evolution Research Institute

Pasadena, California


Xyronix Corporation

Pasadena, California



Is the "Low-Emission" NOX-Type Ammonia Power Generation System, which is being developed in collaboration between the government and private sector, following in the footsteps of personal computers, mobile phones, smartphones, and electric cars, a case of Galapagos technology?

1. The amount of NOX emissions from the ammonia power generation system and its impact on global warming

a. The ammonia power generation system is a method that utilizes ammonia as fuel to generate electricity. The amount of NOX (nitrogen oxides) emissions in this system depends on the NOX generated during the combustion process. Generally, ammonia power generation is considered to have relatively low NOX emissions during the combustion process. This is because the formation of nitrogen oxides is more controllable when using ammonia as a fuel compared to other common fuels.

b. When NOX is released into the atmosphere, it can have an impact on global warming. NOX can initiate photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, contributing to the formation of ozone and other oxidants. As a result, it may lead to an increase in the levels of greenhouse gases, which are considered a cause of global warming, and potentially contribute to rising temperatures.

c. However, the ammonia power generation system is considered to have a relatively lower NOX emission compared to some other fossil fuel-based power generation methods, which can help mitigate its impact on global warming. Nevertheless, it's important to consider its effects on other environmental factors and sustainability. Additionally, there are technologies and regulations in place to further reduce NOX emissions, and these efforts can contribute to decreasing the NOX emission levels.

2. Can the ammonia power generation system eliminate NOX emissions entirely?

A. While the ammonia power generation system tends to have lower NOX (nitrogen oxides) emissions compared to some other fuels, achieving complete elimination of NOX emissions is generally challenging. To achieve zero NOX emissions, a comprehensive redesign of the entire combustion process and the implementation of advanced emission control technologies would be necessary. Additionally, because ammonia itself contains nitrogen, controlling it entirely to avoid NOX emissions can be challenging.

B. Generally, several methods can be considered for reducing NOX emissions:

a. Optimization of the combustion process: Improving the combustion process can minimize the generation of NOX.

b. Use of Emission Control Systems: Emission control systems, such as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) or Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR), can be employed to reduce the emission of NOX.

c. Fuel Quality Management: Managing the quality and purity of ammonia while minimizing impurities can help control the emission of NOX.

d. While ammonia-based power generation is considered to have lower NOX emissions compared to other fuels, overcoming various engineering and technical challenges is necessary to achieve zero emissions. Efforts to reduce NOX emissions are ongoing due to technological advancements and environmental considerations, offering the potential for further reduction in the future.

3. Which of NOX and CO2 has a more significant impact on global warming?

NOX (nitrogen oxides) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) are atmospheric components that affect global warming in different ways. Generally, CO2 is considered to play a more significant role in long-term impacts and is believed to have a stronger influence on global warming.

A. CO2 (Carbon Dioxide):

CO2 is one of the primary greenhouse gases and remains in the atmosphere for an extended period. Therefore, its impact on global warming is persistent and long-term.

・Human activities have led to a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, making it one of the major contributors to global warming.

・Its influence on clouds and temperature through the absorption of solar radiation is limited, with its primary contribution to global warming occurring through temperature elevation.

B. NOX (Nitrogen Oxides):

・NOX primarily generates ozone in the atmosphere, and ozone is another greenhouse gas. Therefore, NOX indirectly impacts global warming. When NOX is released into the atmosphere, it enhances ozone formation, which may lead to temperature increases.

・On the other hand, NOX itself has a significantly shorter atmospheric residence time compared to the greenhouse gas CO2, and its impact is relatively short-term.

・In summary, the impact of CO2 is longer-lasting and more sustained, making it a major factor in global warming. NOX has mainly indirect effects, contributing to temporary temperature increases through ozone formation, but its influence is relatively limited. Therefore, reducing CO2 emissions is considered the most effective approach to mitigating global warming.

4. Is the ammonia-based power generation method globally accepted, or does it face criticism?

The ammonia-based power generation method is currently under research and development as an environmentally conscious energy generation approach and is being implemented in some locations. While this method has several advantages, it also raises certain concerns and criticisms. Below are some general assessment factors related to the ammonia-based power generation method.

A. Advantages:

a. Low-Carbon Energy: Ammonia is a carbon-free fuel, and it has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This makes it promising for climate change mitigation efforts.

b. Accessibility: Ammonia is widely available and can be used for energy storage and transportation, which is expected to enhance energy supply stability.

B. Concerns and Criticisms:

a. NOX Emissions: The combustion of ammonia may potentially generate nitrogen oxides (NOX), raising concerns about it becoming a source of air pollution. Emission control systems are necessary to address this issue.

b. Safety: Ammonia has toxic properties, necessitating proper handling. Leaks or accidents pose safety concerns.

C. Technical Challenges:

a. Development and optimization of ammonia combustion technology are ongoing, but it has not yet reached the practical application stage. The use of carbon-free ammonia as a fuel source for power generation is a promising means to directly reduce CO2 emissions. However, concerns remain about the increase in NOX due to the co-combustion of ammonia, which contains nitrogen, primarily as a result of the 1-2% nitrogen content found in coal. Japanese manufacturers have a long history of working to reduce NOX emissions, primarily associated with the presence of nitrogen, and the increase in NOX through the co-combustion of nitrogen-containing ammonia remains a significant concern.

b. The current situation involves the development of improved technologies such as low-NOX combustion technology targeting a 20% co-combustion rate of ammonia in existing ultrafine coal-fired power plants. These technologies aim to achieve low emissions of NOX during ammonia co-combustion in existing ultrafine coal-fired power plants. However, at present, achieving "zero emissions" is challenging. Therefore, there is a shift in technology development towards the politically nuanced term of "low emissions" NOX, substituting it for the unattainable goal of "zero emissions" NOX.

c. In ammonia-based power generation, the laminar burning velocity of ammonia is below 6.0 cm/s, which is lower compared to traditional hydrocarbon fuels (petroleum-based fuels), making stable combustion challenging. Additionally, when forced to combust, it generates a significant amount of nitrogen oxides (NOX). The establishment of methods for burner design, scheme selection for NH3/H2 fuel, mechanisms for the generation/elimination of Thermal NOX and Fuel NOX within the burner while separating them, and the activation of NOX reduction zones remains unresolved.

d. Currently, experimental attempts to stably combust the challenging NH3, with at best a reduction in NOX emissions rather than achieving zero emissions, are at an experimental level. Consequently, Japan lags behind even in global environmental goals, including the 2030 minus-emission targets, let alone zero-emission environmental initiatives. In the current global trend of 2030 greenhouse gas minus emissions, the aspiration for NH3 zero emissions appears more impossible than uncertain. Progress toward the realization of an NH3 zero emissions power generation method that can meet this minimal goal is yet to be seen, and Japan is struggling to make practical the NOX "low emissions" power generation method, resulting in a form of isolation characterized as "Galapagosization."

5. Zero Carbon, Infinite Energy Source CHEGPG Geothermal Power Generation has Zero Transportation Costs

a. In the case of fuel cells, ammonia is being considered as an alternative fuel to hydrogen, primarily due to its ease of transportation and cost-effectiveness

While hydrogen offers various advantages, it presents challenges due to its extremely low liquefaction temperature of minus 270 degrees Celsius, making transportation and storage difficult and incurring higher storage costs.

Ammonia, on the other hand, is relatively easy to transport and store when compared to hydrogen. It also benefits from a long history of use as a fertilizer, which has led to well-established technologies for its production, transportation, and storage.

In contrast, the power generation energy used in the Zero Carbon, Infinite Energy Source CHEGPG Geothermal Power Generation comes from deep underground geothermal energy, which has zero emissions of greenhouse gases. This is a zero-emission power generation method, and it eliminates the need for the transportation and storage of fuel. As a result, there are no transportation means or storage facilities required, and both transportation costs and storage costs are zero.

b. The Ultra-Affordable, Zero-Carbon, Infinite Energy Source CHEGPG (Geothermal Power Generation) at 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh

・The cost of hydrogen power generation is approximately 97.3 yen per kWh (as of 2020).

・Even with the most cost-effective ammonia-only combustion power generation method, the cost is approximately 23.5 yen per kWh (as of fiscal year 2018). In the ammonia-based power generation method, there are also proposals for methods to convert hydrogen into ammonia, transport it, and then extract hydrogen from it, considering that the ammonia molecule contains hydrogen.

・The AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) is a zero-emission fuel production technology with no greenhouse gas emissions. It utilizes the carbon-neutral and carbon-recycling carbon dioxide recovery system (CO2 recovery system) to collect an unlimited amount of CO2 and produce green synthetic fuels like green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG using renewable CHEGPG electricity, which is generated at an ultra-low cost of 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh. The CHEGPG (Geothermal Power Generation) method, with these green synthetic fuels, can generate a permanent, 24/7, ultra-low-cost, zero-carbon, infinite energy of 1 yen to 0.01 yen per kWh, reaching annual power generation capacities of Terawatts (TW) with an annual output of 10,000 TWh (terawatt-hours).

・The ammonia-based power generation method may face challenges when procuring a large quantity of ammonia for fuel from the current market, as it could disrupt the supply-demand balance and lead to price surges. This could affect various sectors that use ammonia as a raw material. In particular, if the price of ammonia-based fertilizers surges, it could contribute to an increase in food prices. Therefore, if substantial ammonia procurement for fuel is required, establishing a new production system becomes necessary.

・Additionally, even if sufficient ammonia fuel is procured for ammonia-based power generation, the cost of electricity generation is predicted to be higher compared to existing thermal power generation. In the case of co-combustion ammonia-based power generation with a 20% ammonia mix, the generation cost is estimated to be around 1.2 times that of coal-fired power generation. If it were to transition to a 100% ammonia-only combustion power generation method, the generation cost would increase significantly, surpassing more than twice that of coal-fired power generation. To facilitate large-scale ammonia production for fuel, further cost reduction measures are required.

c. The CHEGPG Geothermal Power Generation method makes efficient use of existing facilities.

Thermal power generation is a method of converting heat energy obtained from fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, natural gas) or biomass reactions into electricity.

Because it utilizes geothermal energy drawn from deep underground, the CHEGPG Geothermal Power Generation method is a zero-emission power generation method with no greenhouse gas emissions. It can be implemented by repurposing the steam turbine sections of existing coal and natural gas thermal power generation facilities.

・Similarly, in the case of ammonia co-combustion with the boiler of a thermal power plant in the ammonia-based power generation method, it can be adapted by simply modifying burners and other components.

・Both the CHEGPG Geothermal Power Generation method and the ammonia-based power generation method allow for minimal new infrastructure and initial investment, eliminating the need for decommissioning thermal power plants.

6. At AERI, there are zero emissions as they recover CO2 from the atmosphere using a carbon-neutral and carbon-recycling carbon dioxide recovery system (CO2 recovery system)

・With an unlimited, ultra-low-cost electricity of 1 yen/kWh to 0.01 yen/kWh generated by renewable CHEGPG power and an abundance of CO2 collected using a carbon-neutral and carbon-recycling carbon dioxide recovery system (CO2 recovery system), the AERI Synthetic Fuel Chemical Process (Green Synthetic Fuel Production Technology) is a zero-emission method that produces green synthetic fuels such as green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG.

・These green synthetic fuels, such as green methanol, green LPG, and green LNG, are used as fuel in land transportation (freight trucks), maritime transportation (tankers, cargo ships), and aviation (airplanes, transport planes).



Quantum Brain Chipset & Bio Processor (BioVLSI)

Prof. PhD. Dr. Kamuro

Quantum Physicist and Brain Scientist involved in Caltech & AERI Associate Professor and Brain Scientist in Artificial Evolution Research Institute( AERI:


American Physical Society Fellow

PhD. & Dr. Kazuto Kamuro

AERI & Xyronix Corporation



【Keywords】 Artificial Evolution Research Institute:AERI


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